Daily Feast – February 5

Knowing Your Children

Now the sons of Eli were corrupt; they did not know the Lord. - 1 Samuel 2:12

Children are the product of your teaching. Their behavioural pattern solely depends on the stuff of the teaching they are exposed to. So many children are addicted to evil practices because over time their parents have not taken cognizance of the genetic traits and the differences each child possesses. No man can provide adequate training to a child he does not know. Note this truth, the first word that proceeded out of the mouth of God to the seven Churches is “I know thy works.” Rev. 2:3.

You cannot close your eyes at your children’s flaws if they are going to be a battle axe in the hand of God. God made different creatures; this is not only to show how great He is but also to reflect His love for each of their differences; thereby creating a sense of worth in man.

God never sees human differences as inferiority but a room for variety. Examples are:

1. Cain → Is irreligious and godless.

2. Abel → Is a believer and sensitive to spiritual things (Both children of Adam and Eve).

3. Jacob → A supplanter, strong in purpose.

4. Esau → Hunter, insensitive to the eternal purpose; loves worldly pursuit (Both children of Isaac and Rebecca).

What this simply implies is that the world will not be beautiful if all these creatures have the same features. This diversity of the operation of God in creation reflects the excellence of God and takes hold of the entire human race who basically became a carrier of God’s vision.

Your own personal life- Let it be in line with God’s way on daily living. Your life is a mirror. Your style of teaching should be simple and show love. Let the home structure be accommodating.

Prayer: Father, I will not lord over my children because they are your heritage. I pray for them to be obedient children to your will and purpose. I receive wisdom to discern them appropriately in Jesus name, Amen.

Further Reading: Genesis 18:17-19, Luke 2: 41-52, 1 Peter 5:3
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 17:8-19:15; Matthew 22:34-23:12; Psalm 27:7-14; Proverbs 6:27-35

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