Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus and I rebuke fear, doubt and unbelief. Your word says, you have not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and of sound mind. Your word also says that fear has torment but that perfect love casts out fear. Therefore there is no fear in me.
I am glad that you are in me. You are with me wheresoever I go. Nothing can overcome me because greater is He that is me than he that is in the world.
O Lord, you are my salvation, you are all I will ever need to be free from the power of the enemy. You are my salvation; I flee unto the rock that is higher than I am. You are that rock; you are my light and salvation. In you are hidden all the treasure of the wisdom and knowledge of God.
Father, you have honoured me with life and strength and salvation both day and night, I am so glad that I walk in the blessings of God
Father, I bless your holy name today. I rejoice because Christ Jesus is my victory. He is my great conqueror and He lives within me.
The Lord is my dwelling place. In this wicked world in which I live. There is a secret place; there is a hiding place under the shadow of your wings. Lord, that hiding place is in your presence. Wherever I go, I can sense the divine influence of your spirit upon my life.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am not my own, I belong to God. I am bought with a price; therefore I glorify God in my body and in my spirit which are His.
Surely you have delivered me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. You have covered me with your feathers and under your wings I trust. Your truth is my shield and my buckler.
I am not afraid, I am courageous, and I have what I say. Lord I thank you that you are directing my path. I acknowledge, Lord, that I am just like a sheep, I do not know which way to turn many times but I stay close to Jesus.
You are my shepherd and I am following you daily, I am not afraid because everything that comes to me must pass you first. You know everything because you are in front of me, leading me all the way.
Father, I rejoice in your strength, I am strong in you Lord and in the power of your might, therefore I banish every fear. I command weakness to leave me in all areas because it does not belong to me. It is the curse of the law and it has nothing to do with me.
In the light of God’s word, I turn to every demonic force that is arrayed against me and everything I am involved in. I command you to take your hand off my life, my family. By my confession of the word of God, I hold up the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, I thank you for giving me strength to overcome every attack of the enemy. This is my day. It is a glorious day for me. It is a day of changes, there is no more sorrow. God has wiped away my tears. The oil of gladness is breaking loose in me. The garment of praise is on me. My faith is built on the solid rock.
I hold up on God, I will never fail. I am made original, I am blessed. I walk in the spirit: I am born of the Lord.
My Lord Jesus Christ is interceding for me at the right hand of my Father therefore I rest my head on the breast of God. He has saved me. All my needs are met in Christ Jesus; my life is complete in Him, for He is my shepherd, my provider, my deliverer, my refuge, my peace, my healer.
God you are the rock that can never be broken. There is no variableness or shadow of turning in you. I pledge my life to serve you. You are the multi-breasted God and my life becomes full in you.
Thank you father for remaining true unto me and my family; the door of opportunities are open unto me. Success is mine. Favour is mine. Protection is mine.
I am the temple of God. God has his permanent dwelling in me. God is at home in me. The creator dwells in me. The greater one lives in me. He can put me over. The greater one will make me a success. I can’t fail.
No evil germ can harbor my family; I forbid sickness, weakness, and disease from penetrating into my body. I speak to all organs in me to function in the way they were created.
I am bold and courageous. I square my shoulder, I stand up straight, I don’t fear because God is with me; the Holy Ghost is with me
I shall not bring forth for trouble, I shall not build for another to inhabit, I shall not plant for another to harvest. As the day is so my strength will be. I am what God says I am. I am a fruitful child of God
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High; I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of the LORD, you are my refuge. Surely you have delivered me from the snare of the fowler. You have covered me with your feathers, and under your wings I stay. Your truth is my shield and buckler. I’m not afraid of the terror by night or of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that works in darkness, nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me; only with my eyes shall I behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have my Lord as my refuge and habitation, no evil will befall me nor will any plague come near my dwelling - for God ordered his angels to keep me in all my ways.
They lifted me up with their hands so that I cannot dash my feet against a stone. I tread upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon I tread upon. Because I set my love upon him, therefore he has delivered me from oppression and set me on high because his name is with me.
I called upon him, he answered me, he is with me in trouble; he has delivered me from the trap of the enemy and honoured me. Therefore with long life I am satisfied and behold his salvation, Amen (Psalms 91:1-16).
Thank you Father for giving me victory over all the attacks of Satan; from now, my experience shall be heaven on earth (Amen).
I am an overcomer. I am free from every attack of Satan (Amen).