Daily Feast – August 29

Have Faith in God’s Blessing

The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it - Proverbs 10:22

There is a wealth in secret dark places. You can access it by faith, until your faith is risen, you will continue to blame others for your failure. There is a grace for wealth; it is not about the university you attended or the diligence alone. It is grace that makes the difference between you and the ungodly. You access grace by faith. There is no toiling around the blessing of God. Toiling many times is not just struggling; it is mental exertion not knowing what to do with life (see Proverbs 10:22). When God is involved in your life, the blessing will not add any toil, nor pain, nor trouble. Use your faith to access what God has given to you.

Peter is a good example of a professional who toiled all night before encountering the Lord. He was toiling and labouring all night as an experienced fisherman. When the word of God is in place, it works better and faster than the intelligence of man. Jesus stood at the lake, where Peter was toiling, to catch some fishes. In these last days, things may be failing but there is no failure in God.

Many times, people say that if you are diligent in life, you will succeed. But Peter failed despite his diligence. I know many diligent people who have failed at one time or the other. There is a way of diligence but not the diligence of the world. When God commanded Adam to name every animal he has made, God brought them to Adam. The work he did was to open his mouth and name the animals. God downloaded the names from heaven to Adam, He gave him inspiration of naming the animals, yet he attributed the success to Adam.

When Jesus got to Peter, He told him to let down his nets. He did not go there looking for fish, fish looked for him. If it were to be others, they would have walked away. Thinking how ordinary word can produce results. But Peter did the word of Jesus. Anything you become; it is the word of God that makes you to become it. Our commitment is to do the word. Life becomes attractive when the result comes. Even God can turn our enemies to be our friends. If the word makes everything, the word will command them towards you. Beloved, God gives you more than enough. Peter only let down the net; he did not see the connection between his success and Jesus' preaching. Without your reward showing, the unbeliever will not serve your God. Peter had to call others, and they were surprised. Peter, on seeing the breakthrough fell at Jesus' knees. His knees could not touch the ground because fish had covered everywhere.

God will do miracles that will cover everywhere that you will need the help of others. God has decided to locate your blessing in his word that is being preached. Blessing is your inheritance; you must use your faith to get them. Jesus spoke the word and the blessing was released. Fishes come in the night not in the day because in the daytime, your shadow is cast on the water by the sunlight and also the noise of the multitude on the shore will drive them away. Whatever you are looking for, the word of God will attract it to you. It is through the preaching of the word that preservation and blessing come your way.

Prayer: Father, I glorify you and refuse weakness of Faith. I consider not the circumstances but consider your word. I am fully persuaded that what you promised you are able to perform so I say yes to all the promises of God for my Life. I am blessed, enriched, empowered and victorious in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: Romans 5:1-2
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Job 31:1-33:33; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9

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