Daily Feast – May 29

When God favours you, Circumstance changes to your favour

A good man obtains favor from the Lord, But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn.- Proverbs 12:2

God dishes out favour, not the favour of men but the favour of God. This compels men to help you. Daniel, Joseph, and Esther found themselves in critical situations in their days but the favour of God compelled men to help them. By favour, the house of the enemy was given over to Esther, and the king's decree was changed. The prime minister lost his life for Modecai to take his position.

When you walk in favour, you don't die cheap for favour brings life. No matter how terrible the night may be, it won't prevent the coming of the daylight. Jesus is the model we are to follow as believers. Also regarding the book of Luke, we were made to know that Jesus is the star that lightens every other star. He rose to world acclaim from a background of dryness. If he walked in favour, you will walk in favour.

There is no name today, greater than the name of Jesus. The hatred and envy of religious leaders of his days could not stop him. He finished his course amid religious conspiracies and blackmail. He had God's favour, not just men's favour, for men's favour can change because men tend to be envious and satanic. Beloved no matter the oppositions that may be coming against you, you will finish your course. We are encouraged to look unto Jesus.

Considering the life of the Israelites, when God was ready for them, He did not allow them to go out of Egypt empty. The wealth of Egypt was transferred to them. The same people that once hated the Israelites gave them all they requested. By God favouring his people, the economy of Egypt came down and their wealth found its way into the hand of the Israelites.

God did not take the Israelites to another land to bless them. Goshen, where the children of Israel were located was in Egypt. Yet they were marked out for a difference. Your location is not the problem; the same God will mark you out for a difference.

Prayer: Thank you father for your favour upon my life inspite of what is happening in the earth. There is no lack, for my God supply all my needs according to His richies in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil.4:19)

Further Reading: Psalm 30:5; Luke 2:52; Isa.53:2; Ex.12:36
One-year Bible Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9

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