Ear Discharge Healed

God is a miracle worker. He is ever faithful and will forever be faithful. During the feast of trumpet in the month of May, I was not around for the first two days. My sister called me that I should make myself available that our father in the Lord would pray for the little children. Mean while, my baby girl had been having persistent ear discharge since 3 months after birth, we’ve used different drugs and visited many physicians but all prove abortive.

On that faithful morning, we came for the program and the senior pastor called the little children out. We ensured that we were the first to come out. I connected my faith to the prophetic prayer of the senior pastor. To the glory of God, the discharge dried off instantly.

That morning before the girl was prayed for, I was still cleaning the discharge which was smelling and watery. At the laying on of hands of the pastor, the discharge dried off. I give God all the glory.

Mrs. O.

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