Favour and Reward

God said in his word that He will never forget our labor of love. In my place of work, there happened to be a research grant that some set of people could apply for after a number of years, of which I am not qualified for. I wished I could apply for it but I wasn’t eligible. However, during one of our prayer sessions in church here, the set man in the house said from the altar that “in the place of decision making, that your name will be mentioned” I held to that prayer with faith in my heart that my name will be mentioned.

In my school, only 8 people could be given that grant and the professors sat to meet in their meeting and spoke about different things. My name wasn’t going to be picked based on the professors rules.

To cut the story short, I received a phone call to travel down to the church here and carry out some assignments. In my mind, I felt like what is the meaning of this, because I was not working within the state but however, I came. Lo and behold, it was while I was carrying out that assignment that I received an SMS that I was one of the eight persons that was giving the grant.

Mr D.

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