The Lord Confirms His Word

This is the house of prayer. This is the house of accomplishments, this is where God lives. When your life is shattered, come to this house and it will be fixed.

I had a great occasion to do, it was the wedding ceremony of my daughter and the financial burden became too much. By virtue of my position in the place where I work, many people were already planning to attend and were expecting all sort of things to happen.

I became worried and was always thinking about how I was going to meet the needs. Ideas such as taking loan started flying into my mind. But lo and behold, during the school of wisdom, which I happened to attend, The senior pastor called me out (without knowing what I was going through) and said “Don’t think about anything, don’t worry over this nor that, don’t say how will I do it for God who is more than enough has provided even before the need arose”

I held fast to that word that he said and refused to worry any longer. In a matter of days, help started arising from unlikely places. People started calling me to give me different things and I started getting open doors just as the man of God had said.


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