Daily Feast – December 4

Reward for Godliness (2)

He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper2 Chronicles 26:5

In continuation of our study on rewards for godliness, godliness ensures prosperity. Many believers are not manifesting prosperity because they have spoken negative words with their mouths for a long time. Let your mouth and mind agree that you will flourish wherever God sends you. Don't be like Lot who chose a visibly green land without asking Abraham to choose first. With his natural intelligence, Lot chose the land of Sodom while Abraham was left with the hilly and dry land. Yet, after Lot departed to Sodom, God spoke to Abraham that north, south, east and west have been given to Abraham. Won't you now ask yourself if all these have been divinely donated to Abraham, where is Sodom located?

Beloved, true prosperity belongs to God. Though unbelievers also witness success at their level, good and lasting success comes from God alone. There are some who have once been rich but later brought low by circumstances for God does not put approval on wrong behaviour. Prospering outside of God’s way is bad success. Bad success has sorrow and pains with it but when God blesses you, no sorrow will be added with it. If the Lord could make Uzziah prosper under the Old Testament, he can make you prosper under the New Testament.

Godliness ensures perpetuity or longevity. There are some who had very wealthy parents but are now in ruins; the devil has ravaged such homes and their wealth cannot be sustained but a godly man has longevity as his inheritance. Beloved, when you walk with the Lord, He expands you beyond your thinking so, be determined to live for God. And If God says He will satisfy you with long life, then it means you can always ask for more years as many times as possible. If you don't ask for more, then the fault is yours, not His.

Prayer: I dwell under God’s prosperity and longevity in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 10:22; Ps 91:14-16
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Hosea 1:1-3:5; 1 John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 29:5-8

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