Daily Feast – February 9

Don’t Help God

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” - Genesis 17:1-2

Actions they say sometimes speak louder than voice and often leave long lasting impressions because actions usually convey one’s attitude. Abram’s wife Sarai was barren, and time was going as she was getting older, and Abram was in no way getting younger either. She decided to act. She gave her maid to her husband so she could produce children by her. However, this was not God’s plan for them, and God had spoken to Abram before, promising him children as numerous as the stars and sand. This action on the part of Sarai shows desperation. Each time you allow unbelief to creep in on you, you give way to desperation. Saul could not wait for Samuel because the people were departing from him, so he performed the duty of the prophet. God is never late; He always arrives on time.

No matter how fast you think your journey in life should be, remember God can never be pressurized or late. Actions taken in desperation usually lead to trouble. Haggai got pregnant and despised Sarai thereby bringing the first written quarrel in Abram’s home. Do not try to help God; He is able. Watch your attitude to God’s word and instructions. Abram should have known better, he spoke with God, he was given the promise, he believed, he however allowed himself to be “talked out” of the will of God. So also, must you check out that advice and thought with the word of God.

Do not be faster than God in his plan for your life and do not drag behind his leading. Move with God for the fulfilment of your destiny. Do not cut corners or try to manoeuvre your way by subtleness and craftiness. God knows how to promote you in your due season. God helps those who wait upon him not those who help themselves for vain is the help of men.

Heb. 12:2. Learn to look unto Jesus in all situations for he is the author and promoter of our lives. I strongly believed God can do all things.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I put my total trust in you today. Let my actions bring glory to your name in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: Genesis 16: 1-13
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 26:1-27:21; Matthew 25:1-30; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 8:1-11

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