Daily Feast – May 10

Walking with God by Faith

By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.- Hebrews 11:5

There was a man in the Bible days called Enoch who lived to please God so well that he escaped death. Because of the revelation he had through the meaning of the name of his son, Methuselah which means “God will start to judge the world when the child dies” And the Bible says Enoch walk with God in faith and he pleased God that one day, God decided to take him away to heaven.

Enoch believed in God so much that God said, “come and stay with me”, you are like an oasis in the midst of wilderness” May you also walk with God, no matter how people have failed around you. The same way Enoch was taken to heaven, all of us who walked with God will, one day, go to heaven in rapture. The righteous one on earth who believes in Jesus Christ will be taken to heaven in rapture. But no one will get to heaven unless he has faith and confidence in what Jesus did for him.

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus became a sacrifice for us and we become the righteousness of God through the blood of Jesus. Even though God and man’s fellowship had broken down in the days of Enoch, Enoch sought to know more of God and he walked with God. Enoch broke the rule and had a reunion with God.

Beloved, you can also start walking with God no matter your present spiritual level.

Prayer: Heavenly father, grant me the grace to walking with you in faith all days of my life, so that your glory may continually be shed on my ways in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Genesis 5:22-24
One-year Bible Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 8:1-9:27; John 6:22-42; Psalm 106:32-48; Proverbs 14:34-35

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