Daily Feast – May 24

Faith in the Face of Adversity

Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.- Hebrews 11:35

It is easy for us to rejoice when there is a miracle, when all things seem to be working for us; that is the bright side of Christianity. But what about the dark side of our Christian journey? How can you talk about faith when there are challenges and sufferings?

These are the two sides of a coin; two facets of faith looking opposite. It is easy to relate with women who used their faith to bring dead sons back to life, but the latter part of Hebrews 11:35 is what many people do not understand. Lack of understanding if this principle has been the cause of inconsistency of human behavior. People who give in cheaply to sin do not see any reason to be committed to God.

"...And others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection."- Hebrews 11:35b

How is it possible for someone to reject deliverance? How can the door be opened to someone and he will refuse to walk away? Does it mean he enjoys torture? How can someone reject because of the truth he knows? It is because of the knowledge of that God is not always the author of every open door. A man who thinks that every open door is from God will easily fall into the trap of the devil. The fact that something is good does not mean it is actually right.

Do not let the excitement of getting rich make you trivialize godliness. When you see others who are ungodly, yet appear to be making it, you should not allow their wealth to entice you or to deceive you that godliness does not pay.

The book of Acts 9:15-16 shows that Paul would suffer many things for the sake of the gospel. You can't claim to be in faith and choose to abide with things that are good only; rather, you will choose things that are right and true, even if it does not appear good. Paul's commitment to preach was total; prison and chains meant nothing to him, as long as he was able to preach!

Prayer: Thank you, Father, I am God's representative on earth. The grace of God is with me, the word of God is with me. I can speak to any mountain of challenge and it shall remove. In Jesus name, things are becoming new in my life and all old experiences are ceased forever.

Further Reading: Acts 16:16-31
One-year Bible Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32

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