Daily Feast – November 22

The Pre-Eminence of Christ

For by him all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. - Colossians 1:16

As a child of God, we are called to reign, but we are not to reign over ourselves; we have no control over other lives. As a child of God, you need to see yourself the way God sees you. We are destined to reign over circumstances, situations, and evil spirits

According to the above verse, by Jesus, all things were created. Many know that God is the creator of Heaven and earth, but they do not know who Jesus is. They thought Jesus was the younger brother of God. Going by the above verse, Jesus has equal power as God. That is not a blasphemy. Jesus is the second person in the Godhead; He is as much God as God the Father. Paul had this knowledge and he shared it with the believers in Colosse. When Apostle Paul talked about all things in Heaven, he was equally talking about Lucifer himself; all things were made through Jesus. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one. The three of them can be likened to the sun: the sun itself, the light of the sun and its heat are all from the sun. Though they are different in manifestation, but they are the same. If there is no sun, there can be no light. The Father is the Sun, Christ is the Light of the world and the Holy Ghost brings the manifestation that people see. God is one for we don’t serve three individuals as God, but we have three (3) personalities in the Godhead.

All things were created by Jesus: visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or power (including witches and wizard). All things were not only made by Jesus, they were also made for Him. If Jesus wants to handle anyone, no matter how difficult or stubborn the person is, such a person cannot escape Him. If God made everything for Jesus, nothing has the permission to work against you.

Being blessed in Ephesians 1:3 means to be empowered or to be exalted. No matter how flat you are presently, God says you are coming up. Note that this verse did not say you will be blessed; it says you are already blessed. When you are blessed, you can no longer be cursed; no one has the power to curse you because no one can curse what God has blessed. Though the enemies may try to, but their efforts will be in vain. Being blessed also mean spiritual immunity; that is, you are preserved and protected.

Prayer: As a member of the body of the Pre-eminent Christ, I am blessed beyond defeat. AS no one can curse what God has blessed no one can get at me. In Jesus Name, I trample on all demonic activities and stop their vexation in my life in Jesus Name

Further Reading: Ephesians 1:3; Revelations 5:10
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Ezekiel 45:13-46:24; 1 Peter 1:13-2:10; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 28:11

Copyright © 2023  John Idowu Ministries. All rights reserved.


  1. Rominiyi says

    Lord help me to see me the way You see me. I’m bless in Jesus Name. Amen.

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