Daily Feast – November 26

It is not God and Yet it is God (3).

Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.- Exodus 3:9-10

In the above verses, God was about to send Moses to Israel when the Israelites were suffering under King Pharaoh in Egypt. Joseph, their forefather, came to the land of Egypt as a slave and for standing for righteousness, he was sent to the prison, but God vindicated him, and he later became the Prime Minister of Egypt. But the new Pharaoh became envious of the children of Israel, because of their large number; and so, the Israelites became persecuted and oppressed. The oppression was so much that the people cried to their God for several years until their cry got to Heaven.

As a rational human being, won't you wonder the essence of the above verses? "God, if you are ready to deliver the Israelites, that's very good. You are the God who spoke to Abraham that you will deliver them after 400 years in bondage; the time has now come for you to do what you said you will do, why are you informing Moses"? Moses was a man who fled the land of Egypt because he killed out of anger. So, why was God informing Moses about what He was able to do for His people?

Moses must have also wondered "Lord, I thought you said you have come to deliver the Israelites in previous verses, so why are you sending me to them again? The explanation is simple; in view of the above biblical verses, one can safely conclude that it is God that will deliver the Israelites; yet it is not God.

When God sent Moses to Pharaoh, he gave several complains why he was not the best person for God to use: the people may not believe him, the people will certainly ask of the name of who had sent him and he was not an eloquent speaker. But God patiently answered each of his questions; God had to convince Moses because God knew it was only Moses alone, He could send. With all the power God had, He had to convince a mortal man to have faith in the divine assignment before the work could be done.

It was God behind the deliverance of the Israelites and yet it was not God that physically went to Pharaoh. In your life also, it is God who will provide all that is necessary for your prayers to be answered but you also have a part to play. The answer to your request is already settled in the spiritual realm but your faith is the hand that receives what God has offered. God wants you to use your faith to activate His power. Although, He can do everything; but without your involvement, nothing will happen in your life. Every apostolic commission is backed by divine power, but how can the power flow and yet there is no result in people's life? Every real apostolic unction carries the power of God; there is a power involved in every apostolic work; from the word of the mouth, to the breath, to the cloth/garment, even to the altar. Every genuine apostolic anointing carries power everywhere but requires your co-operation to work for your benefit.

Prayer: Father, as I hear your voice, I make a personal commitment to trust you and obey your instruction. Make me a vessel of honour in your hand so that you will always rejoice over me in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: Isaiah 6:8-10
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Daniel 4:1-37; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 28:17-18

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