Daily Feast – September 2

Understanding the Power of Divine Purpose

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Mordecai was a prophetic mentor, who could see that Hamman would soon be promoted and being an Amalekite would want to destroy the Jews as a result of historical hatred between Esau and Jacob. So, he encouraged Esther to go for the contest to preserve their lineage for the coming of the Messiah. Esther did not just wear any dress like the others were doing, but she went to ask the Chamberlain who knew what the King liked. She looked dependent like David, who would always inquire after the will of God.

Beloved, only God guarantees our security and preservation. She might not have been the most beautiful of them all because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But she comported herself well and found favour in the sight of the King. We all have preferences in life. So, she got to the palace, planted by Heaven to defeat the counsel of the wicked. Beloved what you need in your life are men and women that understand purpose. There is no mistake in the universe for everything is created for a purpose even trouble has a reason behind it. Trouble is a transition; those who do you wrong are set up to move you forward. Everything is connected, for example, as in Joseph's experience of shifting from the pit to Potiphar's house to Prison and to the palace. All are connected and to remove one of the "P's", is to cut off his future. They are all necessary to get him to where he is going.

Beloved, do not use today to ruin your future. Until you get to where God wants you, they will keep on rejecting you. Rejection is for your glory. When you understand a purpose, it gives you peace that passes all understanding. Trouble prepares you for the next level. You develop spiritual muscles which do not develop by reading muscle books but by carrying weights. Ordinary people have ordinary challenges; extraordinary people face extraordinary challenges. Do not compare your road with others.

Prayer: Lord, show me your will for my life in Jesus name. Save me with your right hand, O Lord and exalt yourself above all the battles of my life in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Esther 1:1-12, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Esther 4:14
One-year Bible Reading Plan: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 22:15

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