Day 12 of 12 Fasting & Prayer Outline

Monday, 16th December

Call unto Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). - Jeremiah 33:3 (Amplified Version)



O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him victory. The LORD hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen (Ps. 98:1-2)

  • Let us worship our God for His goodness and mercies over every family connected to Jesus Chapel.
  • Let us bless the name of our God for all the addition and multiplication in all our weekly, monthly and yearly meetings.
  • Give God all the glory for our new converts.
  • Read Psalm 117 and rejoice in the Scriptures for the Church
  • Let us thank God for all the journey mercies and preservation in the past over our parents in the Lord, all leaders and members of the Church. The Lord has shown Himself mighty as a Great Shepherd!
  • O Lord we thank you for the increasing might and strength to our Church at all levels, to all branches, adults, youth, children and infants, our pregnant women to all households and families. It has not been by power or our might but by your Spirit and we are grateful. Zechariah 4:6, Isaiah 40: 28-31
  • Let’s Praise Him in the Holy Ghost


  • 1Timothy 2:1-2, Psalm 122: 6. Let us thank God His mercies and move in our nation despite all the wickedness of the devil.
  • Oh LORD, let the covenant of peace be experienced as we go into 2024.
  • O LORD, arise and scatter every enemy of progress in Nigeria at all levels
  • Let us witness your new developments of great turn around in all sectors in Nigeria in 2024
  • Pray for divine direction and right decisions for our leaders through the help of Holy Spirit.


  • Let’s bless God for this wave of revival fire and light in the name of Jesus ministries. John 5:35, Isa.60:1.
  • Praise God for the revelation of the glory and power that released already, In Jesus Name. Icor.2:4.
  • Let’s bless God for the new season He has brought the Church. It’s a new Horizon. Job 28:7, I Cor 2:9
  • Let’s praise God for what He intends to do in this new move of the Spirit. Isa. 43:18-19
  • Enlist the Help of God for for every programme of the church in 2024. God’s help shall be available and copious. Psm 102:13, Psm 54:4, Psm 121:2
  • . Pray and declare the arrest of people from every part of the world: locally, nationally, internationally and beyond to move with this cloud, In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Psm 110: 3, I sam 10:26, Hah 1:14,
  • Ask God to draw and arrest people to all our programs by His Spirit in Jesus Name. John 6:44


  • We pray for and receive copious Apostolic auction on our Daddy for special miracles as he ministers in preaching and teaching in and outside of Jesus Chapel meetings. Acts 19: 11-18, 20
  • Lord let there be great signs, wonders, healings and miracles attending his ministrations in Jesus Name. We receive great conversion of souls and great numbers of believers into the Kingdom of God.
  • Your Word O Lord shall grow mightily and prevail through preaching and teaching from the mouth of our Parents in the Lord in Jesus Name.
  • We receive more numbers of hearers of the word of God in the mouth of our Daddy and Mummy in the Lord. People will not only hear the word, but become great company of believers and followers of the Word into the Kingdom of God and branches of Jesus Chapel in Jesus Name. Acts 28: 28
  • For every preaching, teaching, counseling and apostolic ministration, we pray for great impartation, diverse release of the gifts of God and that of the Holy Ghost to the congregation in Jesus Name. Romans 1:11,
  • Apostolic unction that ward off strange and demonic presence we experience in our churches and gathering in Jesus Name. Strange spirit and presence of people like Alexander and Dementrius, Simon the sorcerer we rebuke from our churches in Jesus Name. There shall be free flow of the unction, power and anointing of God in Jesus Name. 2Tim 4:14-18; Acts 19:24
  • Lord, the more by your great grace stand and strengthen our parents in the Lord all around, personal life, family life, Church Ministries in Jesus Name. We also receive great support of the Angelic ministrations.


  • Let there be a renewed outpouring of Holy Spirit in our Churches for revival, power and passion for preaching and teaching the word of God. O Lord baptizes us again and again with the fullness of your Spirit for the work of the Ministry in all areas. Acts 6: 3-7
  • Lord or God, inspire and ignite again the passion for souls in all members starting with the leaders. We receive also boldness and wisdom to speak the word of the season that will attract attention from unbelievers, those ordained as members of Jesus Chapel in all lands.
  • We rebuke and destroy every resistance to the spoken Word and what Jesus Chapel stands for in Jesus Name. The word of God shall have free course and be glorified in the Church and outside of the Church in Jesus Name.
  • John 15:1-8. Our father, make us fruitful by your Spirit working in us O lord. Our branches including Cathedral shall grow, fruitful, multiply and replenish in Jesus Name.
  • Lord we are due for miracles of numerical growth and ministry development to all our branches in Jesus Name. Acts 19: 3; 16:5 we earnestly receive these in Jesus Name
  • By the power of the Holy Ghost, we command, willingness and eagerness in the heart of the people, In Jesus Name. Isa.1:19
  • By the blood, pronounce the hearts of people to understand the word the Lord and His Spirit, In The Name of Jesus. Acts 16:14.. Let t there be angelic defense, preservation protection for all the Branches and for all, In Jesus mighty Name. Exo.14:1
  • By the authority of heaven, let there be out pouring of Gifts and Multiple Blessings of the Holy Ghost, for mighty testimonies, In Jesus Name. Acts 10:44.
  • Let there be great harvest of souls. Order the souls-harvesting angels, to begin their work of salvation on the people right now. In the Name of Jesus.Matt.13:39 Ish 2:2-3.
  • The harvest shall abide and be established. John 15: 16.


  • Thank you Lord for the new grace of multiple harvest received and we manifest all through 2024. 2 Pet 1: 2-8.
  • We pray that this Grace shall increase and multiply upon all leaders in Jesus Name for the purpose of
    • Perfecting the saints in our branches, Work of the ministry assigned to individual leaders (pastors, teachers)
    • Edifying of all members and our partners
    • To produce unity of faith among ourselves
    • Increase the knowledge and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ
    • Making us perfect and building us to the stature of the fullness of Christ.
    • Establishment by faith
  • Lord help all the leaders to fulfill these and make us fruitful in Jesus Name. Ephesian 4: 12-13 Also help us to work in one accord with our Parents in the Lord Psalm 133.
  • Lord we receive the wisdom of followership of God and of our Parents in The Lord. Philippians 3: 16-17; Ephesians 5:1
  • Every trapping of the devil, agents of darkness against any of us is destroyed in Jesus
  • Every device of the devil against any member and leader of the church is destroyed in Jesus Name
  • We receive much understanding of the Will of God in all areas of our life and ministry.
  • Fill us more and more, on a daily basis with the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus Name.


  • Let us pray that God should uphold them with maximum impact in Jesus Name, Isa 45:1-3
  • Let’s call forth more labourers for the perfection of the saints and for the edification of the Body in love in Jesus Name, Eph 4:12, Matt 9:37-38
  • Let us receive boldness for all stewards to preach the word faithfully, reproving and exhorting as necessary IITim 4:2, Col 4:3-4, Matt 13:11
  • Pray that the Lord by His Spirit; helps every steward in planting the right seed where it is designated, leading to greater harvest in the name of Jesus, Matt 13:8
  • Let’s subdue every force and power of the wicked which attacks the mind of stewards from giving self wholly to God’s mandate.


  • Let us begin to thank the lord for the growth we have been experiencing in the past, at present and the one we will experience in the later years. (Ps 103)
  • Let us decree that the lord will make room for us in this land and beyond that the wave of revival in this ministry will cross over and spread across the nations of the world that will lead to an explosive and unprecedented church growth in the name of Jesus Christ. (Gen 26:22)
  • Scatter and frustrate every principalities and powers that want to stand against our efforts to facilitate the growth of the church that the counsel of the enemy will not prevail. (Col 2:15)
  • Pray that souls will be saved more than ever before and that we receive a voice that no devil can resist in the name of Jesus Christ. (1Pet 5:9)
  • Pray that the labours of the past begin to be rewarded in the influx of souls, that the effort of the past will not go unnoticed, that the book of remembrance be opened. (John 4:38, 1 Cor 15:58)


  • Let us thank the lord for the members of the Name of Jesus ministries worldwide for his mercies, protection and guidance. For not allowing the will of the enemy to prevail over all. (Ps 25:2, Ps 47:1-3)
  • Decree that the Holy Spirit begin to move over our members as they begin to take their part and fulfil their assignment in this commission. (1 Cor 12:11)
  • Decree that the eyes of the members be opened up to see the reason why God brought them in to this ministry, that nothing will hinder them from now on from fulfilling their God given assignment. (Eph 1:18)
  • Frustrate every discouraging spirit that cause the members to run away, silence every mockers and discouragers who speak evil against our ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. (Prov 1:26, Prov 3:34)
  • Pray that the wind of the Holy Spirit begin to blow to the nook and crannies of this land to bring all who have wandered away and the deserters, even sheep that are still outside the fold will flock in.(Isa 2:2)
  • Decree in the Name of Jesus Christ that the souls of the new members be established in the faith, that they shall not grow weary in the name of Jesus Christ.(Isa 40:30-31)
  • Pray that the new converts will see clearly the reason why the lord brought them among us, that supernatural turn around and favour will mark their lives.(Lk 24:31,Act 16:14)
  • Decree and declare that as new members will step in from far and wide, their lives will not remain the same. They will begin to experience turn around and supernatural favour.(Ps 5:12, Ps 126:1-6)
  • Pray that the lord begin to stir up lazy and unresponsive members, and their eyes will be opened to see their relevance in the house of God. (Ps 110 :3)
  • Pray that old members will not be a stumbling block to the new converts but encouragers and every evil worker will be exposed and disgraced. (Num13:32-33)
  • The Lord will restore our zeal and passion for the kingdom. That we will be consumed by the zeal for the house of the Lord. Ps 69:9, Ps 143:11
  • We receive a burning desire for the Lord. An unquenchable desire for the kingdom. Ps 42:1, Ps 84:1-2
  • The Lord will help us to desire what He desires and to love what He loves. Our hearts' desires will align with His. Num 25:7-8, Jn 15:7, Jn 2:17
  • The Lord will help us to focus and set our hearts on the one thing that's the most important to Him. Ps 27:4
  • The fire on our altars will continually burn. Our fires will not go down. We will experience a refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Lev 6:12-13.
  • Pray that the Lord will sustain our fervency, spiritual diligence and give us a burning heart for Him Rom 12:11


  • I deal with every spirit, making me to maintain the status quo. Making me in different to the work of the kingdom. I bind such spirit, and I declare a new day in the spirit. A day of great zeal for the work of the Lord. Amos 6:1
  • I receive a heart that groans and labour for the birthing of the purpose of God on earth. I declare the birthing of the will of God in my space. I take over my space for the Lord. 2 Cor 5:2
  • I lift up the banners of the Lord. I shall not be weary or stumble nor slumber or sleep anymore. I shall always lift the banners of the Lord in readiness for His command. Isa 5:26-27
  • I pray for a new vigour to seek the Lord. A renewed desire to do His work. A new strength to carry out His assignment. Ps 105:3-5, Amos 5:5-6
  • I break up my fallow grounds. I remove hindrances for growth and spiritual development. I turn my heart to the Lord in righteousness and truth Hos. 10:12
  • I shall will be eternally committed to God and not just be pleasers to men. Matt 23:28
  • I reject the Pharisee’s spirit that cleanses the outwards and is full of dirt and filth inside. Matt 23:25-27
  • I pray that the Lord will come to me as a launderer and a purifier to purify and purge me so that I will be able to offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. Mal 3:2-4

Annual 12 Days Fasting & Prayer


  1. Stella Mhlanga says

    Greetings, I would like to receive more from your website. Im hungry for God

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