Speak this out of your mouth. Sow this in your heart and build it into your walk. I confess boldly that it is Your will that I prosper. It says
Continue readingSpeak this out of your mouth. Sow this in your heart and build it into your walk. I confess boldly that it is Your will that I prosper. It says
Continue readingSpeak this out of your mouth. Sow this in your heart and build it into your walk. I am born of God. [1 John 5:1] I am a child of God. [John
Continue readingThe following is a list of scriptures on fear. Use them when fear is attempting to come. Fear does not necessarily mean danger, it simply means fear. We associate fear
Continue readingIt is God’s will for you to conceive and give birth to a healthy wonderful child. Read and confess these scriptures until faith drops into your heart. You will know
Continue readingPaul in his letter to the Ephesians states that marriage is the mysterious transformation of two individuals into one new flesh. The image of God was first placed in Adam,
Continue readingThe following scriptures will bring you healing. Confess these words and you will enjoy sound health.(Prov 4:20-22 KJV)My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings….Let them
Continue readingThe following scriptures will help you live to a ripe old age. Obey His word and you will enjoy a long life, and a healthy fulfilling maturity. Exodus 20:12 – Honor
Continue readingWhat is the God-kind of love like? The God-kind of love is full of kindness and is tenderhearted. Since God’s love is kind and tenderhearted, it is always ready to
Continue readingHow would you watch a game if you knew beforehand that your team had already won? A person knew that he was going to miss an important sports event, so
Continue readingMARK 11:23-24 The Lord wants me to speak on the lines of faith. May God bring us into a place of rest of faith. There is a big difference between
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